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Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit [Cover]

Figure 1

Strange Fruit[Page 10 (bottommostpanel)]

Figure 2

Strange Fruit [Pages 21 and 22]

Figure 3

Strange Fruit[Page 25 (full page)]

Figure 4

Strange Fruit[Page 33 (bottommost panel)]

Figure 5

Strange Fruit[Page 65 (full page)]

Figure 6

This volume collects the whole four-issue miniseries from BOOM! Studios. It is the story of the residents of fictional town Chatterlee, Mississippi fighting against nature; nature in the form of the (non-fictional) Great Flood of 1927 and human nature. The story begins with a small white child gone missing and the local KKK chasing after rebellious sharecropper Sonny. Just as it appears that Sonny will become the strange fruit of the Billie Holiday song, an alien object crash lands in a field. From the crash area arises a foreign figure -- a colossal black man. The alien’s presence saves Sonny’s life and throws the whole town into disarray. Unable to communicate, his presence as both an alien, a black figure, and an alien black figure serves to disrupt the Jim Crow town and its residents’ relationships to one another. The KKK wants revenge, Sonny wants the colossal alien to help him leave behind Jim Crow, the white citizens want the alien to leave, the black citizens want to survive, and the alien just wants to be. His advanced understanding of physics may save the town -- if they all do not kill him and one another first.